Graph components do not flex

I am trying to apply some css file to dash components so that when hovering effect the content will auto stretch. Here are some common css tricks using flexboxes:

.flexbox {
  display: flex;

  > div {
    flex: 1;
    margin: 0.5rem;
    flex-basis: 0;
    transition: flex-grow 0.3s;
    -webkit-transition: flex-grow 0.3s;

    &:hover {
      flex-grow: 3;
      transition: flex-grow 0.3s;
      -webkit-transition: flex-grow 0.3s;

and here is a snippet of my app:

            [dcc.Graph(),],  #some figure here
            className = "item"
        dash_table.DataTable(), # some data-table here
        dcc.Graph(), # again some graph here
         ], className="item", 
        ], className='flexbox'

Now the when hovering over the graph component, the data-table flex-shrink perfectly, but the graph cannot grow properly. Similarly when hovering over data-table component as the graph do not shrink the data-table cannot expand.

I am looking for some way to ‘properly’ enlarge the graph component when hovering-over. By ‘properly’ I mean resizing the graph in the same way as in changing the size/width of the graph itself. I tried somethings like transform:scale(1.5) in css as well, but this is just scaling the graph component as a whole svg, namely all icons/ticker grow large. What I really look for is just zoom the graph alone to fit the content.

Any luck?

Interested in this. Would be great to use Flexbox in css for styling. Did you solve and whew able to use Flexbox properly in other cases?

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Does anyone know how to do this? I.e. use flex boxes? I created a flex system and it works fine. But when I put e.g. dcc.Graph() components in some of the boxes, they just grow way off the page!