go.Image not plotting with go.Scatter


My goal is to have a base map and plot scatter points on it. For some reason, when using go.Image and setting the x and y, the image range is bigger than the true coordinates. Thus,
I am using secondary x and y coordinates to plot the scatter points in the correct place.

However, the image is not plotted with the code below. Thanks in advance!

im = Image.open("preload2.jpg")
np_im = np.array(im)

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Image(z = np_im ,
                      x0 = x_left,
                      y0 = y_top,
                      yaxis = 'y',
                      xaxis = 'x'  ))

fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(    x = df_geo['Easting (ft)'], 
                             y = df_geo['Northing (ft)'],
                             mode = 'markers',
                             marker = dict(	   color =  '#3292EA',
                                               size = 5,
                                               symbol = "circle"),
                             yaxis = 'y2',
                             xaxis = 'x2'  ))

fig.update_layout(  xaxis = dict (showticklabels = False),
                     yaxis = dict (showticklabels = False),
                    xaxis2 = dict (range = [BBox[0],BBox[1] ],
                                   linecolor = 'red',
                                   side = 'top'
                    yaxis2 = dict (range = [BBox[2],BBox[3] ],
                                   linecolor = 'red' ,
                                   side = 'right'
