Get ValueError when using pandas.DataFrame.groupby in the callback

Hi, I want to create an app that users can upload a CSV file and choose two columns of the CSV file using dropdowns. The app will plot the plot a bar chart in which the x-axis is the first dropdown users choose and the y-axis will using groupby function to compute the mean of the second column users choose. But I get an error after I run the code. Can anyone teach me how to fix it?

Below is the error:

Callback error updating datatable-upload-graph.figure
ValueError: Grouper for '<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>' not 1-dimensional

Below is the code:

import base64
import io
import dash
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_table
import pandas as pd
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
import plotly.graph_objs as go

external_stylesheets = ['']

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

app.layout = html.Div([
            'Drag and Drop or ',
            html.A('Select Files')
            'width': '100%', 'height': '60px', 'lineHeight': '60px',
            'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed',
            'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center', 'margin': '10px'
            {'label': '', 'value': ''}
        # multi=True
            {'label': '', 'value': ''}

def parse_contents(contents, filename):
    content_type, content_string = contents.split(',')
    decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string)
    if 'csv' in filename:
        # Assume that the user uploaded a CSV file
        return pd.read_csv(
    elif 'xls' in filename:
        # Assume that the user uploaded an excel file
        return pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(decoded))

@app.callback(Output('data_selector1', 'options'),
              [Input('datatable-upload-container', 'data')])
def update_dropdown(rows):
    if rows is None:
        raise PreventUpdate
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
    print('updating menus')
    columns = df.columns
    col_labels = [{'label': k, 'value': k} for k in columns]
    return col_labels

@app.callback(Output('data_selector2', 'options'),
              [Input('datatable-upload-container', 'data')])
def update_dropdown1(rows):
    if rows is None:
        raise PreventUpdate
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
    print('updating menus')
    columns = df.columns
    col_labels = [{'label': k, 'value': k} for k in columns]
    return col_labels

@app.callback(Output('datatable-upload-container', 'data'),
              [Input('datatable-upload', 'contents')],
              [State('datatable-upload', 'filename')])
def update_output(contents, filename):
    if contents is None:
        return [{}]
    df = parse_contents(contents, filename)
    data = df.to_dict('records')
    return data

@app.callback(Output('datatable-upload-graph', 'figure'),
              [Input('data_selector1', 'value'),
               Input('data_selector2', 'value')],
              [State('datatable-upload-container', 'data')])
def display_graph(value1, value2, rows):
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
    df1 = df.groupby(df[value1])
    df2 = df1.mean()
    df3 = df2[df[value2]]
    trace = go.Bar(x=df3.index, y=df3)
    return {
        'data': [trace]

if __name__ == '__main__':

I am not a pandas expert, but whenever I have used group by, I have always passed the column name, not the values. That is, instead of

df1 = df.groupby(df[value1])

one would write

df1 = df.groupby(value1)

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Just like a lot of cryptic pandas errors, for some or all indexes in DataFrame , you are assigning MORE THAN just one label, groupby() doesn’t know which label it should use for grouping. DataFrame groupby() doesn’t need to care about df or which columns , groupby() only cares about one thing, a lookup table that tells it which df.index is mapped to which label (ie. group name). To solve this, get rid of the multi-index by using