Get 'selected data' in a parallel coordinates chart to update table - Resolved

Sure. Here is what I’m doing.

I use restyleData as input to the callback function. Something like this

@app.callback(Output('parallel-coord-graph', 'figure'),
              [Input('par-coord-dropdown', 'value'),
               Input('parallel-coord-graph', 'restyleData')],
              [State('parallel-coord-graph', 'figure'),
               State('metric-range', 'children')])
def update_par_coord_graph(dropdown_input, restyledata, par_coord_data,

    par_coord_data = par_coord_data['data'][0]
    curr_dims = par_coord_data.get('dimensions', None)

# Relevant restyleData Code

        # Update the constraint ranges for the new restyled dimension
        # Format of resytledata: [{'dimension[0].constraintrange': [0,1]}]
        if restyledata:
            for key, val in restyledata[0].items():
                dim = int(re.split(r'\[|\]', key)[1])
                updated_constraints[dropdown_input[dim]] = val[0]

Note the format of restyledata which is a dict.

To update the table, I use figure attribute to extract the state of the parallel coordinate chart. Something like this -

@app.callback(Output('table', 'children'),
              [Input('parallel-coord-graph', 'figure')])
def test_me(par_coord_data):

    par_coord_data = par_coord_data['data'][0]
    curr_dims = par_coord_data.get('dimensions', None)

Hope this helps!