Hello, i could not find out how to solve my problem.
I creating a page at my work, that will serve only inside the domain. So i don’t expect to create a login page.
I will ask to the user see some graph and data-frames, then input some info to me to store this info.
But i would like to get the windows username to help me find out who filled. Or if i could get the IpAdress i can figure out as well.
Getting both information will be awesome. But i got no success so far.
Anyway how to figure out this?
Thank you.
I think you will find the last part of this dash article useful: https://dash.plotly.com/sharing-data-between-callbacks#example-4---user-based-session-data-on-the-server:~:text=Creates%20unique%20session%20IDs%20for%20each%20session%20and%20stores%20it%20as%20the%20data%20of%20dcc.Store%20on%20every%20page%20load.%20This%20means%20that%20every%20user%20session%20has%20unique%20data%20in%20the%20dcc.Store%20on%20their%20page.
You can look into the python os library. For example, os.name will give the name of the OS, but you can get more specific information, even on the username of the computer (os.getlogin(), os.getenv() exc.) Then you could run a query to write to some database based on app interaction. This would only work if each user would run locally from an app repo. If you deployed an app, it’s going to give the same computer info.
Although you dont want to make a login page, you can add some basic authentication to your app, available through library dash_auth, to identify different users. You would need to manually create the accounts and hand it individually to users, but this may work for your case: Authentication | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly
Sorry if this wasn’t perfect answer! I think my thought process is in the right direction through…