So I have this data in my views. py. and I’m passing the value to the iotData function that located in my Dash app called
in my
from .overview import ph //this is my dash app//
def overview(request):
post_data = json.loads(request.body.decode("utf-8"))
value = post_data.get('data')
ph.iotData(value) //passing the data to this function//
return render(request, 'html')
def iotData(value):
print(value) //printing the data that from my
@app.callback(Output('graph-ph', 'figure'),
[Input('interval-graph-update', 'n_intervals')],
[State('graph-ph', 'figure')])
def update_extend_traces_traceselect(n_intervals, fig_raw):
//I want to access iotData here so that I can use the data for my graph//
how can I pass the data from iotData to my app.callback function