Generate HTML Code in Python

Hi there - every day I generate several new charts and leverage the HTML code generated for sharing on my blog. Is there a way to generate said HTML code in Python without having to manually navigate to my profile, click on each image, and copy the HTLM Code?


I have found .to_html and able to return the html code. However, all I want is the <div> code so I can drop into an html file. Unfortunately, I’m not getting this code even when setting include_plotyjs = False. My code outputs JS code that I don’t want.

I currently have this in my script when calling fig.

fig.to_html('code.html', full_html = False, include_plotlyjs = False, include_mathjax = False, post_script = False)

I have tried this several times over and nothing works.

Dang, a week later and no response from anyone. Suffice it to say, this feature is broken…

Hi @reggiebizzle,

Is my_div, defined below, what you are looking for?

from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode,   plot
my_div = plot(fig, filename='My title', show_link=False, include_plotlyjs=False, 

Hi @empet,

That returns a bunch of javascript code as well, even when include_plotlyjs=False . I’d like to get the same that I get when I open up plotly, navigate to my profile, click on an image and navigate to the embedded tab.

Yup, this feature is broken. What an absolute shame.

Can anyone please help here?