Forcing Dash App to be called through Flask Route?

Should work for any dash app

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Apr 14 11:46:49 2021

@author: DM_wo
import dash
# import dashboard
from flask import Flask, session
from functools import wraps

def logout():
    print("killing session")

def login_required(f):
    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
        user = dict(session).get('user', None)

        if (user is None):
            return logout()  

        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorated_function

flask_app = Flask(__name__)

BS = ""

dash_app = dash.Dash(server=flask_app, url_base_pathname=dash_base_path, external_stylesheets=[BS])
# dash_app.layout = dashboard.create_layout(dash_app)
# dashboard.create_callbacks(dash_app)

for view_func in flask_app.view_functions:
    if view_func.startswith(dash_base_path):
        flask_app.view_functions[view_func] = login_required(flask_app.view_functions[view_func])