Hey everyone! I will say that i love the product and have been following along with the documentation, but i keep hitting a snag with the syntax. For example, i was trying to follow this and when i ran it I keep getting 2 errors. First one was Fig syntax was incorrect. Second, url = py.plot(fig, filename=‘scatterplots’) was incorrect, as py it not defined. I’m a a complete loss at the moment. Much like the aformentioned scatterplot, I wanted to do a create a plot with for each dataframe, and its a huge file (500000+ entries) I was looking if anyone could guide me or tell me an easier way to do it! thanks in advanced!!
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly
plotly.tools.set_credentials_file(username='n_husain', api_key='XXXXXXXXX')
#create dataframe of information from .csv
#NOTE: I have not found a cleaner way of doing this other than hardcoding it in :(
df = pd.read_table('/media/nadeem/apollo/MetaGenomics/final/bacterial_data.csv', sep = ',')
#Select columns that are needed, which are adpated from script.py
#df = df[["I_Begin", "Identity"]]
dfhp = df[df.Name == 'helicobacter_pylori']
dfbv = df[df.Name == 'Bacteroides_vulgatus']
dfab = df[df.Name == 'Acinetobacter_baumannii']
dflm = df[df.Name == 'listeria_monocytogenes']
dfrs = df[df.Name == 'rhodobacter_sphaeroides']
dfsp = df[df.Name == 'streptococcus_pneumoniae']
#sort all acending
dfhp = dfhp.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
dfbv = dfbv.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
dfab = dfab.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
dflm = dflm.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
dfrs = dfrs.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
dfsp = dfsp.sort_values('Identity', ascending = False)
#create FRP using a scatterplot
fig = {
'data': [
'x': dfhp.I_Begin,
'y': dfhp.Identity,
'text': dfhp.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'Helicobacter_Pylori'},
'x': dfbv.I_Begin,
'y': dfbv.Identity,
'text': dfbv.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'Bacteroides_vulgatus'},
'x': dfab.I_Begin,
'y': dfab.Identity,
'text': dfab.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'Acinetobacter_baumannii'},
'x': dflm.I_Begin,
'y': dflm.Identity,
'text': dflm.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'listeria_monocytogenes'},
'x': dfrs.I_Begin,
'y': dfrs.Identity,
'text': dfrs.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'rhodobacter_sphaeroides'},
'x': dfsp.I_Begin,
'y': dfsp.Identity,
'text': dfsp.ReadName,
'mode': 'markers',
'name': 'streptococcus_pneumoniae'},
'layout': {
'xaxis': {'title': "I_Begin"},
'yaxis': {'title': "Identity (%)"}
url = py.plot(fig, filename='scatterplots')