Failed Scatter Animation of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Per Capita vs Population Density

Following the animation example, I am attempting to animate the following data frame (available at this dropbox link):

(Pdb) df
             date  cases_per_capita  population_density          county_state state_abbr
0      2020-01-21          0.000001               290.1  Snohomish Washington         WA
1      2020-01-22          0.000001               290.1  Snohomish Washington         WA
2      2020-01-23          0.000001               290.1  Snohomish Washington         WA
3      2020-01-24          0.000001               290.1  Snohomish Washington         WA
4      2020-01-25          0.000001               290.1  Snohomish Washington         WA
...           ...               ...                 ...                   ...        ...
82507  2020-04-22          0.000323                 5.5        Edwards Kansas         KS
82508  2020-04-23          0.000323                 5.5        Edwards Kansas         KS
82509  2020-04-22          0.000412                 6.1     Highland Virginia         VA
82510  2020-04-23          0.000412                 6.1     Highland Virginia         VA
82511  2020-04-23          0.000178                 6.8           Gray Kansas         KS

[82512 rows x 5 columns]

The below animation code shows nothing in the plot area, and only one state abbreviation in the legend, WA. The play button proceeds to move the time bar across the dates but only WA counties appear.

import as px
        x='population_density', y='cases_per_capita',
        animation_frame='date', animation_group='county_state',