I’m not familiar with that particular error message, and it’s hard to tell without seeing all your application code, but be sure to reference the Heroku deployment example by @chriddyp if you haven’t done so already.
There’s also great step-by-step walk-through of Heroku deployment for Dash here – see pages 90 and following – Hat tip to Jose Portilla for providing this documentation.
For me, the most common error was omitting the line server = app.server after app = dash.Dash().
Thanks for the reply Austin. I went through the Heroku deployment example by @chriddyp. It used to work, but I get the same error message with that now so I guess there is something more fundamentally wrong with my python setup.
The app works fine locally but only falls over when deployed on Heroku
One other thing, looking at a related post I noticed that my virtual environment was using python 2.7. I forced it to use python 3.6 (virtualenv -p python3 venv) but I still get the same error message. Its strange that I should have to force it to install Python 3.6 though.