Hi, I am constantly sending processed data from a script in python (my data is an array with negatives integers) and receiving it in javascript.
Here I received the data:
client.on('message', (topic, message) => {
topi = topic
msj = JSON.parse(message)
//timeMSG = msj.time
heightsMSG = msj.heights
Here is my div:
<div id = "myDiv"></div>
<script >
var data = [
z: [[-16, -10, -13, -21, -20, -27, -23, -29, -27, -29,
-32, -29, -35, -30, -34, -33, -33, -38, -33, -39, -35, -37, -38,
-35, -41, -36, -40, -38, -38, -42, -38, -43, -39, -41,
-42, -39, -45, -39, -44, -41, -41, -45, -41, -46, -41, -44,
-44, -42, -47, -42, -47, -43, -44, -47, -43, -49, -43, -46,
-46, -44, -49, -44, -49, -45, -46, -48, -45, -50, -45, -48,
-47, -46, -50, -45, -51, -47, -48, -49, -46, -52, -47, -50,
-48, -48, -52, -47, -52, -48, -49, -51, -48, -53, -48,-52, -50,
-49, -53, -48, -54, -49, -51, -51, -49, -54, -49, -53, -50, -50,
-54, -49, -55, -50, -52, -52, -50, -55, -50, -54, -51, -52, -54,
-50, -56, -51, -53, -53, -51, -56, -51, -55, -52, -53, -55, -51,
-57, -52, -55, -54, -52, -57, -52, -57, -53, -54, -56, -52, -58,
-53, -56, -54, -53, -57]],
type: 'heatmap'
Plotly.react('myDiv', data);
What I am trying to do is:
Every time a message arrives, extract the data called “height” and append it into the value “z” and this should “update” the plot
What I tried is:
client.on('message', (topic, message) => {
topi = topic
msj = JSON.parse(message)
//timeMSG = msj.time
heightsMSG = msj.heights
Plotly.extendTrace('myDiv', {z: [[heightsMSG]]}, [0])
client.on('message', (topic, message) => {
//const obj = JSON.parse(payload.toString()) // payload is a buffer
topi = topic
msj = JSON.parse(message)
//timeMSG = msj.time
heightsMSG = msj.heights
console.log('\nMSG Date - Time: qwe');
Plotly.plot('myDIv', [{
type: 'heatmap',
z: [
.then((gd) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => { resolve(gd) }, 1000)
.then((gd) => {
gd.data[0].zmin = null;
gd.data[0].zmax = null;
return Plotly.extendTraces(gd, {
z: [[[10, 2, 3, 30]]]
}, [0])
What I get is a chart just with the axis when I start seding the data