Exception: DASH_LOGOUT_URL was not set in the environment

Hi, I am a novice in dash. So I have such a problem when creating logout button.
Exception: DASH_LOGOUT_URL was not set in the environment.
where could I find examples.

thanks in advance

No longer supported (https://dash.plotly.com/dash-core-components/logoutbutton)

thanks, could you give a toy example, how to create it, that is what parameters to give,

I am using this
html.Div(auth.create_logout_button(), className=‘col 2’, style={‘marginLeft’: 5})

From Dash Enterprise Auth Features | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly,

The example below demonstrates how to use these callbacks. Note that in order to use create_logout_button locally you will have to set an environment variable called DASH_LOGOUT_URL . You can do this by running your code with DASH_LOGOUT_URL=plotly.com python app.py .

Is this how you are running your app? it seems DASH_LOGOUT_URL is the url the user is taken to upon logout…that’s just a guess as I have not used this dash_enterprise_auth

I changed the method as you suggested,
now I use the below code, but how to write the right a callback I dont know yet.

thanks a lot

import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_enterprise_auth as auth
import base64

from app import app
from apps import retail, service, home, login

image_filename = 'img//images.png'
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(open(image_filename , 'rb').read())

app.title = 'Retail'

app.layout = html.Div([

      html.Nav(className = "nav nav-pills bg-light", children=[

        html.Img(src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), className = 'logo_img', width="45", height="45"),
        html.A('Home', className="nav-item nav-link btn", id = 'nav_app3', href='/apps/home'), 
        html.A('Retail', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 2", id = 'nav_app1',  href='/apps/retail'),
        html.A('Service Centers', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 2", id = 'nav_app2', href='/apps/service'),

        html.A('Distribution Channels', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 2", id = 'nav_app5',  href='/apps/retail'),
        html.A('CallCenter', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 2", id = 'nav_app6', href='/apps/service'),
         html.A('Portfolio', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 2", id = 'nav_app7', href='/apps/service'),

        html.Button('Log Out', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 12", id = 'logout_btn', n_clicks = 0),
        # html.Button('Submit', className="nav-item nav-link btn col 12", id='submit-val', n_clicks=0),
        # html.Div(auth.create_logout_button(), className='col 2', style={'marginLeft': 5}),
        dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),


@app.callback(Output('page-content', 'children'),
              [Input('url', 'pathname'),
              Input('logout_btn', 'n_clicks')])
def display_page(pathname, value):
    if pathname == '/apps/retail':
        return retail.layout
    elif pathname == '/apps/service':
        return service.layout

    elif pathname == '/apps/home':
        return home.layout  

    elif value:
        return home.layout       
        return '' 

# @app.callback(Output('page-content', 'children'),
#              [Input('nav_app4','n_clicks')])
# def logout(value):
#     if value:
#         return 

if __name__ == '__main__':