Hello ! I trying to use the “submit button” in my callback using the state component. But as soon as I try to launch the python application, my browser tell me that they’re some “Error loading dependencies”. I think that the error is caused because of incompatibility with some elements of Dash like “State” from “dash.dependencies”.
Here are the few lines of code involved :
In the layout :
html.Button(id=‘submit-button’, n_clicks=0, children=‘Submit’),
]), -
the callback (the states are taken from anther callback just before this one) :
#@app.callback(Output(‘Flash-Datatable’,‘children’),[Input(‘read_address’,‘value’),Input(‘read_words’,‘value’)]) #Callback 3.5 - Affichage du tableau demandé (HTML ou Heatmap)
[State(‘read_address’,‘value’), State(‘read_words’,‘value’)]
) #Erreur : “Loading dependencies”
def update_rows(n_clicks, rows ,columns):
print(“columns=”,columns," at ",rows)
columns = columns + 1
global mode
if mode == 1 or mode == 2 :
table = (
# Header
[html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in range(min(len(df), columns))])] +# Body [html.Tr([ html.Td(df.iloc[i][col]) for col in range(min(len(df), columns)) ]) for i in range(min(len(df), rows))] ) ) return table
. . . . . . . . . . .Affichage en mode graphique
elif mode == 3 : #Affichage en mode graphique print("rows===",rows) print (df[df['add']==rows].index) print (df[df['add']==rows].index.values) startaddress = df[df['add']==rows].index.values[0] print("start ", startaddress) bits=34*columns rows2print = int(bits / 1088)+1 return dcc.Graph( figure={ 'data': [ go.Heatmap( showscale=False,#Masquer l'échelle x=df.columns[1:], y=range(startaddress,startaddress+rows2print+1), z=df.iloc[range(startaddress,startaddress+rows2print+1)][df.columns[1:]].values.tolist(), #Fonctionne pour les adresse (de 1 à 1088 bits) colorscale=[[0,'black'],[1, 'rgb(240,240,240)']] ) ] , 'layout': go.Layout() } )
When i just put the line
[State('read_address','value'), State('read_words','value')]
in commentary, I notice that they’re no problem (they’re just the submit button which is not functional.
I’m with :
- Dash v0.43.0
- dcc v0.48.0
- Python 3.7.3
- Python 2.7.9
and my app is launch with Python 2.7.9 only because they’re is a compatibility problem with Dash when i’m trying to launch with Python 3 instead.
I’m available if you need more information