whenever I add the code downbelow to my program I get “error loading dependencies”. The terminal seems to show nothing new.
Would anyone happen to know what causes it?
The Graph component builds Plotly graphs. You can’t just feed it Python data structures and have it work it out – you need to tell it what type of charts you want to build. Do you want a histogram or a scatter plot etc? So the data attribute of the figure dict needs to be a list of plotly.graph_objs objects. You then feed each of those objects your raw data. See the docs for examples.
Thanks for the replies! I realize now what a stupid mistake I made, haha. It had been a long day and I was having some trouble with the piechart before (different errors) so when I tried to start anew later at home and got this I just figured I’d go to the forums. I was aware I should have included the go.Pie chart especially, but I just forgot.
Still, thanks for the answers! Super helpful and I’ll try again and see if I can make it work this time.