Error in Create Dendogram Tutorial Code

I tried running this code and I have a similar error this

import plotly.figure_factory as ff

import numpy as np


X = np.random.rand(10,10)

fig = ff.create_dendrogram(X)

fig.update_layout(width=800, height=500)

I had a similar key error but a different color i.e ā€˜#3f5f5dā€™. See below:

372 if hovertext:
373     hovertext_label = hovertext[i]
374 trace = dict(
375     type="scatter",
376     x=np.multiply(self.sign[self.xaxis], xs),
377     y=np.multiply(self.sign[self.yaxis], ys),
378     mode="lines",
379     marker=dict(color=colors[color_key]),
380     text=hovertext_label,
381     hoverinfo="text",
382 )
384 try:
385     x_index = int(self.xaxis[-1])

KeyError: '#3f5f5d'

My configuration:

M1 Mac, Python 3.9.10, Scipy 1.8.0, Matplotlib 3.5.1

What should I do?