Embedding a Video (MPEG) from a website

Hi, I am trying to embed a video into my Dash app

            controls = True,
            id = 'movie_player',
            src = "https://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/nrl_mpg/2013_09/130901_c3.mpg",

I get an error with a video box, stating

No video with supported format and MIME type found

Is there a way to specify the format in Dash?


hi @ajeytiwary ,
I wonder if it’s because the file is corrupt. I clicked on the video source you provided (https://cdaw.g…) and it directly downloaded the video to my computer. When I tried to play it, I got this message:

@adamschroeder I checked again, indeed it downloads but in my case it does play the video. ( on Ubuntu, using VLC media player)
Strange behaviour indeed.
This is the location of all movies that I have to fetch based on date and time.
All of these movies are with .mpg extension.

I saw this post on how to play .mpeg file on html. I hope this helps you figure out why it’s not working.

Thanks. I saw this post. I was hoping that there is a dash video player that I can embed. I found this dash_player it does load the video but not play it.

Another solution might be to embed vlc player in my dashboard itself. I am not sure if that is even possible.

In your web browser, log in to your video hosting service,Find the video you want to embed, and click the video name,Click the Embed link below the player.

I mean, that’s a solution, but not to my problem posed here.

MyCCPay Login list of Share options, click Embed