Hello guys, first time posting here.
So the problem basically occurs whenever I use more than 5 items within a dropdown options list. The problem is that I cannot select anything or scroll to the bottom of the dropdown, as it resets its scroll bar resets to the top.
Here is a gif of what is going on:
Also, if I try to search for a specific name in the “unscrollable” range, the name is replaced by one of the first 5 that I show in the gif.
Edit: five items max are also shown when I replace the dropdown menu with a checklist.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Here is the code:
html.P(instructions_3, style={‘margin’: ‘10px’}),
id = ‘team-selection’,
placeholder = ‘Membro team’,
options=[{‘label’: name, ‘value’: skill} for name, skill in team.itertuples(index=False)],
‘width’: ‘30%’,
‘display’: ‘inline-block’,
‘margin’: ‘10px’
@app.callback(Output(‘grafico’, ‘figure’),
[Input(‘upload-data’, ‘filename’),
Input(‘fc-range’, ‘value’),
Input(‘team-selection’, ‘value’)],
events = [Event(‘update’, ‘interval’)])