Draw labels elsewhere

I am trying to draw a basic plot with a few plots on.
The trouble is the labels for each line is rather long. Something like
“Trial Site.Trial Equipment.House1.Electricity”

If I show these at thos lengths the plot is squashed too small. Is there an example of drawing the labels on a different area or element ?


HI @glennpierce welcome to the community.

Could you elaborate a bit? With labels are you referring to the legend entry? Could you perhaps create a small, reproducable example for this?

Yep the legend sorry.

I have something like

I often can’t just display a shorter name as there are often duplicates without looking at the full name.
I was hoping to eith display the name as a popup somewhere / fixed location when hovering over a a particular trace or just show the legend above the plot so it can take the full width of the page and not interfere with the size of the plot.


You can position the legend:

Just adjust x and y to your needs.

Thanks. I missed that. That should do the trick.

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