Drag error when removing shapes during drag

I have the following problem when dragging, I have a line which has two circles at the ends that serve as draggers to manipulate the length of it, when you click on the line the draggers appear and when you click outside they are hidden, at the same time Time to drag, if the line is selected it stays stuck and does not move and apparently the graph does move but when you release the mouse it returns to its original position as you can see in the image


This does not happen if the line is not selected


The difference between the first and the second is that in the first, when starting the drag, the draggers are removed from the line, each dragger is an object with its corresponding function to remove which is the following

remove() {

    Plotly.relayout(this.#layer, {
        "stop": true,
        [`shapes[${this.index}]`]: null

    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("removeShape", { bubbles: true, detail: { id: this.#id } }))

And which is called when deselecting the line with the following code

#unselectShape(e) {//mousedown
    if(!this.#active) return

    for(let i = this.#draggers.length - 1; i >= 0;  i -= 1) {
        if(this.#draggers[i]) {
            this.#draggers[i] = null

I tried to reproduce the same situation in the codepen but there the error only occurs with the Plotly.update function and not with Plotly.relayout, it must also be taken into account that in the codepen I am using a simple configuration for the graph unlike the app where I have more configured parameters and possibly some also cause the error in the relayout

I hope you can review it and correct it in the future.