Download image without showing changes or add a button to reset

I added a button to download image by removing from the legend the data that was not selected.
It works great but I wish I could go back to the original display (and see the deselected data in the legend)…

I see two options:

  • prevent showing changes when downloading the image ;
  • add a button to reset the chart…

Can you help me ?

Here a reproducible example :

plot_ly(data = mtcars, x = ~ mpg, y = ~ wt, color = ~ factor(cyl),
        type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>% 
    modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(
        name = "Custom download button",
        click = htmlwidgets::JS('function(gd) {
           let data = (datapoint) {
            if (datapoint.visible === "legendonly") {
              datapoint.visible = false;
            return datapoint
  = data;
            gd, {
            format: "png",
            width: 900,
            height: 500