I have a history log coded using a Dash html.Pre with multiple html.Span components, each span is for a history entry. This list is huge and I’m trying to find a way to only partially update (append or prepend) this log when the time is moving forward. Tried Patch but didn’t work.
Does Patch work with normal html components like html.Pre?
That’s great! Could you tell me how to use Patch to update an html.Pre’s children property, which is a list of html.Span? I use a callback to output to its children property, but nothing get updated if I use Patch. My code looks like this:
Please post a MWE demonstrating the issue. That’ll make it easier for people to help
Looking at your code snippet, I see one potential issue. You seem to be adding a list to a list, in which case you should use an ‘extend’ rather than an ‘append’ operation.