I am trying to create an application where I need a Multi-Dropdown which have a lot of possible values that can be chosen.
However, when I have chosen more values than the “regular” Dropdown can fit, the height of the dropdown increases. I assume this is done to allow the user to see all the chosen items.
Instead of an increased height of the dropdown I would like the chosen items to change into a text that tells the user how many items that have been checkedm, for example “x items have been chosen”.
I went to the github for Dash, GitHub - plotly/dash: Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required., and located the file for the Dropdown. In that file there is a callback named “selectedOption” which I thought was possible to do some changes to too achieve my idea.
When I tried to find this file on my computer I was not able to locate it. My assumption here is that this is only used as a foundation and is not included in the installed package.
My question is, if it is possible to solve my problem either by a predefined function or any other easy solution, or do I have to create my own component? In that case I have to look over other possibilities due to my lack of knowledge, and might return to this solution when I have learned more
Since I am asking a question regarding Dropdown I might ask another in the same post.
Is it possible to not show the possible values until the user have searched with x number of characters? There might be performing issues if the list get’s to long.