Demo Dash Chat Interface with Agents


I started building a Chat interface with Dash to connect my Agent to it.
It incorporates a lot of the things I learned thanks to the helpful people in the dash community. Dash Mantine from @snehilvj and @AnnMarieW or the login flow thanks to @jinnyzor, but there are plenty of others as well. Thank you, guys!

I know that some things are still not working as I want them to, but nevertheless I wanted to share the app, and I am excited to hear feedback on functions, layout or bugs :smiley:

The idea is to have a modular Personal Assistant. You will be able to integrate an email, contact, calendar, Spotify and notion module. It allows a seamless integration of different tools.
Based on your request, the agent will either answer directly or draft a plan to solve the request. This can include one or more of your integrations.
On the side, you can follow the agent executing different steps. When clicking on the node, you should be to see the intermediate results of that step.

You need to provide an API-key, which is not stored, for either OpenAI or Anthropic to run the agent.

I plan to develop this further, integrate things like WebDav and make new modules. But let me know what you think about. Have fun playing around with it, I hope it works :crossed_fingers:


hi @simon-u
Is there a sample username and password that we can use to check the app out instead of having to create and manage another account?

Currently, not. I will create one and send you a message. The different modules rely on integrations such Google Calendar, Contacts or Notion. These will make an OAuth connection. Once you remove the module or delete the account, I also delete the related data.