dcc.Input border color not consistent


I’m currently using Dash to build a web app and I import dcc.Input… However, the border color doesn’t seem to be consistent. I cannot change the border-top-color even after I used CSS style…
Could someone please shed some light on it?

Hello @Vincejim,

Welcome to the community!

Some components have preset styling that is inline, to overwrite, in your css you can use:

.class {
    border-top: 2pt solid black !important;

Hi @jinnyzor ,

Thank you for your reply.

I still use its id in css… and strangely
border: 1px solid #a5a5a5ee !important; works…

So, it works or doesnt work now?

It works now after adding the line I posted. Thanks!
You gave me a clear direction!

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