dbc.Switch() component in the DataTable

Hey guys! How would you add dbc.Switch() to a DataTable so that a boolean column is visualized by switches instead of “true” or “false”? Is that even possible? Thanks!

HI @nikola.mirkov

At this time, you can’t put components in DataTable cells. A workaround is to use an HTML Table.

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Hi @AnnMarieW is there any change regarding this topic? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @dashamateur !

Consider switching to ag-grid.

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Hey @AIMPED thanks for the reply! I tried avoiding js but i guess it will be necessary :sweat_smile:

Hi @dashamateur

In the next major release of Dash AG Grid, the boolean values will automatically render as check boxes. No custom components required :tada:

Until then, you can see examples of how to add components to cells in the docs. If you would like a dbc.Switch instead of a checkbox, you can find an example here:

There shouldn’t be too much JavaScript coding involved if you copy one of the examples, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask for help here :slight_smile:

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Hi @AnnMarieW and thanks for the reply! My problem is a bit more specific as I’m trying to render a substring inside a cell. I am currently doing this with an if sentence:

dagcomponentfuncs.DBC_Input = function (props) {
    const { type, value, placeholder } = props;

    let string = props.data.check;

    if (string.includes('INPUT')) {
        // Replace 'INPUT' with dbc.Input component
        string = string.replace(
                    type: type || 'text',
                    value: value || '',
                    placeholder: placeholder || '0,00',

    return string

which finds the substring INPUT and renders it but it returns [object Object]. I am still trying to find a remedy for that. Do you have any suggestions on how to render specific substrings into dbc components? Thanks alot!

Problem was in the types of data i was returning because it converted dbc.Input to string. After some struggle i managed to get it to work as wanted (code below). I am open to cleaner solutions :slight_smile: Also, how would you capture updated grid to include the user inputs? I have created a button that reads the data: State(“ag-grid”, “rowData”), but it doesn’t include rendered cells. Is there a workaround to “scrape” the grid? Thanks!

dagcomponentfuncs.DBC_Input = function (props) {
    const { type,handleInputChange,placeholder } = props;

    let parts = props.data.check.split('INPUT');
    let elements = [];

    // Iterate over parts and add both strings and React elements to the array
    parts.forEach((part, index) => {
        if (index < parts.length - 1) {
            // Insert the React element
                                    type: type || 'text',
                                    onChange: handleInputChange,
                                    placeholder: placeholder || '0,00',
                                    style: {
                                        display: "inline-block",
                                        width: "20%",

    return React.createElement('div', null, elements);

For anyone with this problem: rendering part of ag-grid cell this is how i solved it for myself. I wanted to replace part of string in a cell with dbc.Input and keep the components functionality so I would be able to use the users entered data. I achived this with this function in a .js file:

dagcomponentfuncs.DBC_Input_With_String = function (props) {
    const { setData, handleInputChange, data } = props;
    const [inputValues, setInputValues] = React.useState(Array(props.data.check.split(/(%%.*?%%)/).length).fill(''));

    const setProps = (index, inputValue) => {
        const combinedValue = data.check.split(/(%%.*?%%)/).map((part, index2) => {
            if (index2 % 2 === 0) {
                return part;
            } else if (index === Math.floor(index2)) {
                return `%%${inputValue}%%`;
            } else {
                return part;
        props.node.setDataValue(props.column.colId, combinedValue);
        setData(prevData => ({
            check: combinedValue,

    const handleChange = (index, event) => {
        const newInputValues = [...inputValues];
        newInputValues[index] = event.target.value;
        if (handleInputChange) {

    return React.createElement(
        data.check.split(/(%%.*?%%)/).map((part, index) => {
            if (part.match(/%%.*?%%/)) {
                // If it matches the pattern, render Input element
                return React.createElement(
                        key: index,
                        type: props.type || 'text',
                        placeholder: '0,00',
                        setProps: () => setProps(index, inputValues[index]),
                        onChange: (event) => handleChange(index, event),
                        value: inputValues[index],
                        style: {
                            display: 'inline-block',
                            width: 'auto',
            } else {
                // Otherwise, render only Label element
                return React.createElement(
                        key: index,
                        children: part,
                        style: {
                            display: 'inline-block',
                            width: 'auto',

Inside of the dash app you have to define ag-grid:

                            "rowHeight": 48,
                            "rowSelection": "multiple",
                                "headerName": "Check this column:",
                                "field": "check",
                                "cellRenderer": "DBC_Input_With_String",

Then i used a callback to populate the grid. The trick here is that you define a place where you want your input to be with this placeholder: %%INPUT%%. Javascript will look for it and render value inside %%*%%.

        Output("ag-grid", "rowData"),
        Output("ag-grid", "defaultColDef"),
        Input("interval-component", "n_intervals"),
def ag_grid_formation(n_intervals):
    data = {
        "check": [
            "First input: %%INPUT%% Second input: %%INPUT%%",
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    defaultColDef = {
        "resizable": False,
        "sortable": False,
        "editable": False,

    return df.to_dict("records"), defaultColDef

Now the rowData is sorted. For data manipulation and further usage you can create another callback or use the previous one. I created a new one since I was creating a form and wanted to read the whole form once the user would click the button “SEND”. In this callback I also added some data rendering since the placeholder was written like this: %%INPUT%%.

        Output("dummy", "children"),
    [Input("button-grid", "n_clicks")],
    [State("ag-grid", "rowData")],
def ag_grid(click, data):
    updated_data_list = [
            "check": item["check"]
            .replace("%%", "")
            .replace("%%INPUT%%", "No value entered"),
        for item in data
    return dash.no_update

That’s it :smiley: