Datatable Header and column width mismatch

I am using plotly dash v2.9.3. I created a datatable with some data but the column widths on header do not match the column widths for the data. I have the below formatting for my data table.

I saw this was reported as a bug many years ago and was also fixed. But I am not sure if this is indeed a bug or if I did something wrong.

Here is the code I used to format the data table.

tab = html.Div(dash_table.DataTable(
            fixed_rows={'headers': True},
            style_cell={'textAlign':'center','minWidth': 95, 'maxWidth': 95, 'width': 95,'font_size': '12px','whiteSpace':'normal','height':'auto'},
            editable=False,              # allow editing of data inside all cells
            filter_action="native",     # allow filtering of data by user ('native') or not ('none')
            sort_action="native",       # enables data to be sorted per-column by user or not ('none')
            sort_mode="multi",         # sort across 'multi' or 'single' columns
            column_selectable="multi",  # allow users to select 'multi' or 'single' columns
            row_selectable="multi",     # allow users to select 'multi' or 'single' rows
            row_deletable=False,         # choose if user can delete a row (True) or not (False)
            selected_columns=[],        # ids of columns that user selects
            selected_rows=[],           # indices of rows that user selects
                    'height': '40vh',
                    'overflowX': 'auto',
                    'overflowY': 'auto',

Update: I commented out fixed_rows = {‘headers’:True} and the widths now align. But I want to freeze the header row while scrolling down the datatable. Any way out? Is this a bug?

Hello @vsathwikm !
Why not give Dash AG Grid a shot? :grin:

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Not a solution. But definitely a very good alternative.