DataTable and hidden react error

I tried to run the example code of DataTable available in It works as I expected, debug mode was set to True (app.run_server(debug=True)). I observed no errors but if I opened Chrome DevTools, the situation was different. The error seen below occurs in console.
The error is invisible if debug mode is set to False and it looks it has no effect on dataTable behaviour. But I found the issue and it is interesting. I observe same error in cases the dataTable component is implemented.

It is possible to avoid this error? How I said, I used the official example.
It is caused by the dash version?

dash 1.11.0
dash-bootstrap-components 0.9.2
dash-core-components 1.9.1
dash-html-components 1.0.3
dash-renderer 1.4.0
dash-table 4.6.2
plotly 4.6.0

Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. See for more information.
    in th (created by t)
    in tr (created by t)
    in tbody (created by t)
    in table (created by t)
    in div (created by t)
    in div (created by t)
    in div (created by t)
    in div (created by t)
    in div (created by t)
    in t (created by t)
    in t (created by t)
    in t (created by t)
    in Suspense (created by t)
    in t (created by CheckedComponent)
    in CheckedComponent (created by TreeContainer)
    in UnconnectedComponentErrorBoundary (created by withRadiumContexts(UnconnectedComponentErrorBoundary))
    in withRadiumContexts(UnconnectedComponentErrorBoundary) (created by ConnectFunction)
    in ConnectFunction (created by TreeContainer)
    in TreeContainer (created by ConnectFunction)
    in ConnectFunction (created by UnconnectedContainer)
    in div (created by UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer)
    in div (created by GlobalErrorOverlay)
    in div (created by GlobalErrorOverlay)
    in GlobalErrorOverlay (created by DebugMenu)
    in div (created by DebugMenu)
    in DebugMenu (created by UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer)
    in div (created by UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer)
    in UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer (created by withRadiumContexts(UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer))
    in withRadiumContexts(UnconnectedGlobalErrorContainer) (created by ConnectFunction)
    in ConnectFunction (created by UnconnectedContainer)
    in UnconnectedContainer (created by ConnectFunction)
    in ConnectFunction (created by UnconnectedAppContainer)
    in UnconnectedAppContainer (created by ConnectFunction)
    in ConnectFunction (created by AppProvider)
    in Provider (created by AppProvider)
    in AppProvider
printWarning @ react-dom@16.v1_3_0m1587710220.13.0.js:82