This may be a bug. I have a dash app that is used as a data plotting tool. You can upload a CSV and use drop downs to pick the x axis data and the y axis data. Y axis supports multiple selections.
Some of my datasets have timestamp data in the format 2024-04-18T08:40:02.900000
I make the timestamp a time object using time_stamp_obj.append(parse(line))
When I select the time column of data as the X axis and then select a column of data for the y axis everything works fine, the dots for the data are aligned with the line connecting the data.
When I add a second data set to the y axis drop down both data sets shift so the markers are stacked in vertical lines and don’t line up with the lines connecting the points.
The weird thing is this does not happen on Windows, only OSX.
See image below for example of what is happening. The markers should be on top of the line.