Referring to the doc here https://dash.plot.ly/datatable/style it seems possible to apply a specific style on
- a row
- a colum
- a column on which filters are applied to isolate cells
What I’m triying to achieve is to isolate one cell in a table of several identical values.
Consider a 3x3 table full of zeros. I want to highlight the last zero on the last row and the last colum.
- if I apply a style on the row, with a filter “=0”, then the whole row is highlighted
- if I apply a style on the colum without or with a filter, the whole column is higlighted
So far I’ve tried:
'if': {'row_index': 47, 'filter': '{ColumID} != 0'},
'backgroundColor': 'green',
where ColumnID is the ID of my column,
'if': {'column_id': 'ColumnID', 'filter': 'row_id: != 0'},
'backgroundColor': 'green',
But since it’s not designed to be used this way, well, it doesnt work.
Is there a workaround?