Dash Website resets after callback

I have a dash website that resets after a callback is complete. The callback below reads a value from a dropdown, writes data to a dcc.Store object, and change the display value of a button. The callback completes (the button is displayed), and then the webpage resets. Any idea why?

@app.callback(Output(‘chartList’,‘data’), #the dcc.Store object
Output(‘topic01’,‘style’), # the Button
Input(‘geo_dropdown’,‘value’), # the Input dropdown
def generate_Profile(geo,btn): # This is the function that runs the app…
topics =[ ] # an input list
# Several data processing functions, creates “out_df”

if 'inline' in btn:  # the code to change the display value of the button
    btnval = dict(display='none')
else :
    btnval = dict(display='inline')    
return(out_df.to_dict('records'), btnval)  #the webpage resets after this return is encountered