Dash Plotly date picker inside rangeselector

I’m trying to set a date picker on a button inside rangeselector, increasing my choices beyond that of 1M, 6M, 1Y and so on. Follow the piece of code that shows the new button. I just don’t know how to add action tho that. Appreciate any help.

def drawGraph():
return html.Div([
figure = px.area(
stocks_close.AMZN, title = 'Amazon',
title_text = 'Data',
rangeslider_visible = True,
rangeselector = dict(
buttons = list([
dict(count = 0, label = 'Date Range', step = 'all', stepmode = 'backward'),
dict(count = 5, label = '5D', step = 'day', stepmode = 'backward'),
dict(count = 1, label = '1M', step = 'month', stepmode = 'backward'),
dict(count = 6, label = '6M', step = 'month', stepmode = 'backward'),
dict(count = 1, label = 'YTD', step = 'year', stepmode = 'todate'),
dict(count = 1, label = '1Y', step = 'year', stepmode = 'backward'),
dict(count = 2, label = '2Y',