Dash Mantine Component - Line Chart tooltip formatter


I am trying define some ‘formatter’ to be displayed on my dmc.LineChart component on the tooltip level (and also the y-axis) but I don’t seem to find any way to currently do so. The recharts documentation says that you can set a ‘formatter’ function on the tooltip component level but this doesn’t seem to be accessible from the dmc component in Dash.

This seems like a pretty basic functionality on graphs, am I missing something or is this just not doable at the moment?

See my screenshot attached that display one example of a tooltip in my LineChart that I would like to format to something like : “241,203.9”.

Thanks everyone for the help in advance!


Hi, @waspp.
You can try this:

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
test = [1000, 3500]

fig = px.line(df, x=“test”, markers=True)

Replace {x:,} with the appropriate variable name (x, y, or z, etc.) to display its value.


Hi @waspp and welcome to the Dash community :slightly_smiling_face:

Typically Dash does not allow functions to be passed in props. There are certain libraries which have enabled this like dash-ag-grid. It’s on the roadmap to add this feature to dash-mantine-components, but it is not available yet.

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Thank you for you solution using plotlyexpress. I wanted to use dmc chart library as I think they are way cleaner but seems like what I want is not achievable at the moment.

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Hey @AnnMarieW, understood, thanks for the explanations, really appreciate it!

I agree, dmc charts do look great. Hopefully they’ll add that feature in the future.