Hi folks,
i have a question for my project that i want to use dash-mantine popover component only but rest of the layout is designed using dash-bootstrap-components. When i wam doing it i am getting error: r.useid is not a function.
So is it because i can’t use mantine along with bootstrap or other.
You have to wrap your whole layout into the MantineProvider component see here.
But tbh I would recommend using dash mantine just for one component because I think they send the whole library (currently around 2.7mb) to the client.
I actually try to not mix dbc and dmc. It may be due to lack of personal knowledge, but sometimes I find it difficult to style the layout as I want to. Feels like if the CSS of these components interfere with each other. As I said, might be completely my fault though
Hi @AIMPED and @Datenschubse
I have found the solution, thanks to AnnMarieW 's Github repo for Dash Mantine Components, i missed this line, don’t know why it is required though ;).
dash._dash_renderer._set_react_version(‘18.2.0’), i missed this line and my code was throwing error.
Actually, this is true - there can be some CSS issues when using these libraries together. The easiest way to create an app with a consistent design is to stick with either DBC or DMC (and not use both)
And yes, it is possible to use both - for example, Vizro uses the date pickers from DMC even though their app is primarily based on Bootstrap. But it does take a lot of extra CSS to make a pixel perfect design.