I am using Dash Leaflet to build scatter maps and I am having some issues with setting appropriate marker size scaling. I get a lot better results when using go.Scattermapbox, see the below two images, but I need to use Dash Leaflet because for one of my map options I need to use clustering. The top map is what is rendered using Dash Leaflet and the bottom is rendered using go.Scattermapbox.
For the go.Scattermapbox I apply the below parameters which gives a good marker sizing range.
Is there something similar that I can use in Dash Leaflet? I current use point to layer to determine the marker size as per the below code, is there something that I could add here to adjust the scale factor? My Javascript is very limited.
point_to_layer_dynamic_production = assign(“”“function(feature, latlng, context){
const {min, max, colorscale, circleOptions} = context.props.hideout;
const csc = chroma.scale(colorscale).domain([min, max]); // chroma lib to construct colorscale
circleOptions.fillColor = csc(feature.properties.annual_production_tonnes); // set color based on color prop.
circleOptions.radius = feature.properties.annual_production_tonnes/100000;
return L.circleMarker(latlng, circleOptions); // sender a simple circle marker.
Thank you in advance!!