Dash-Labs doesnt work?

why dash-labs doesnt work ?
I tried to copy paste code of CHARMING DATA but it doesnt work !!

I tried change versions of dash and dash-labs but same problem ! ,

Error :
AttributeError: module ‘dash_labs’ has no attribute ‘templates’

Hey @sanae

This appears to be the layout templates that was an experimental feature that was archived in dash-labs v0.4.0. This feature is no longer being developed. If you would like to see it running, you would need to install dash-labs=0.4.0 and dash=1.12.0 and dash-bootstrap-components=0.13 (and probably other older versions of libraries)

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Hi @sanae
Can you please share the video link with me. I can’t remember the title of the video or the github repo.

I’ll use that to go into the github code and see if I can update it with Ann’s comments to make it clearer for you and future viewers.

Thank you,

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Hey @adamschroeder thank you soo much

youtube Link : From Plotly Dash 1.0 to Dash 2.0 - YouTube

Github Link : Dash-by-Plotly/loger_powerful_app.py at master · Coding-with-Adam/Dash-by-Plotly · GitHub

Hi @AnnMarieW thank youu for your reply !

I want to build a dash app contains multiple pages , I want use this template in one page , but I think I will have problem with other pages ?

Thanks @sanae
I have decided to “Unlist” this video from my channel so it is not publicly viewable unless you know/have the video link.
This is because the code is outdated, and to be able to run it successfully you have to install old versions of many libraries, as Ann mentioned.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention,

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Hi @sanae

I thought the templates in v0.4.0 were pretty cool, but since they are no longer being developed. I wouldn’t recommend using them since it hasn’t been tested with current versions of dash.

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yeeees @AnnMarieW , I Found it amaziiiing :heart_eyes:

but now I think I should look for other templates …

Thaaaaank you guys , You helped me a lot