Hi All,
We just pushed a new version (0.4.0) of Dash Labs that includes several enhancements top the @long_callback
support introduced in version 0.3.0 (See 📣 Dash Labs 0.3.0: @app.long_callback support). These enhancements include:
- Windows support
- Support for caching long_callback results with a flexible system for configuring how cache hits are calculated.
- Support for updating arbitrary components while the
is running using theset_progress
function. As the example below demonstrates, this makes it possible to do things like update a graph while along_callback
is executing.
To facilitate Windows support, we’ve replaced the FlaskCaching backend with a backend based on the diskcache
library. The celery backend remains unchanged.
Additionally, on Windows the multiprocess
library is required as well.
Here are some excerpts of the updated documentation.
Enabling long-callback support
In Dash Labs, the @long_callback
decorator is enabled using the LongCallback
plugin. To support multiple backends, the LongCallback
plugin is, itself, configured with either a DiskcacheCachingCallbackManager
or CeleryCallbackManager
object. Furthermore, in addition to the LongCallback
plugin, the FlexibleCallback
and HiddenComponents
plugins must be enabled as well. Here is an example of configuring an app to enable the @long_callback
decorator using the diskcache backend.
import dash
import dash_labs as dl
## Diskcache
import diskcache
cache = diskcache.Cache("./cache")
long_callback_manager = dl.plugins.DiskcacheCachingCallbackManager(cache)
app = dash.Dash(__name__, plugins=[
This configuration requires the diskcache
package which can be installed with:
$ pip install diskcache
Additionally, on Windows the multiprocess
library is required as well.
$ pip install multiprocess
Example 5: Progress bar chart graph
The progress
argument to the @long_callback
decorator can be used to update arbitrary component properties. This example creates and updates a plotly bar graph to display the current calculation status. This example also uses the progress_default
argument to long_callback
to specify a grouping of values that should be assigned to the components specified by the progress
argument when the callback is not in progress. If progress_default
is not provided, all the dependency properties specified in progress
will be set to None
when the callback is not running. In this case, progress_default
is set to a figure with a zero width bar.
import time
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_labs as dl
from dash_labs.plugins import DiskcacheCachingCallbackManager
import plotly.graph_objects as go
## Diskcache
import diskcache
cache = diskcache.Cache("./cache")
long_callback_manager = DiskcacheCachingCallbackManager(cache)
def make_progress_graph(progress, total):
progress_graph = (
.update_xaxes(range=[0, total])
.update_layout(height=100, margin=dict(t=20, b=40))
return progress_graph
app = dash.Dash(
app.layout = html.Div(
html.P(id="paragraph_id", children=["Button not clicked"]),
dcc.Graph(id="progress_bar_graph", figure=make_progress_graph(0, 10)),
html.Button(id="button_id", children="Run Job!"),
html.Button(id="cancel_button_id", children="Cancel Running Job!"),
output=dl.Output("paragraph_id", "children"),
args=dl.Input("button_id", "n_clicks"),
(dl.Output("button_id", "disabled"), True, False),
(dl.Output("cancel_button_id", "disabled"), False, True),
dl.Output("paragraph_id", "style"),
{"visibility": "hidden"},
{"visibility": "visible"},
dl.Output("progress_bar_graph", "style"),
{"visibility": "visible"},
{"visibility": "hidden"},
cancel=[dl.Input("cancel_button_id", "n_clicks")],
progress=dl.Output("progress_bar_graph", "figure"),
progress_default=make_progress_graph(0, 10),
def callback(set_progress, n_clicks):
total = 10
for i in range(total):
set_progress(make_progress_graph(i, 10))
return [f"Clicked {n_clicks} times"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
Caching results with long_callback
The long_callback
decorator can optionally memoize callback function results through caching, and it provides a flexible API for configuring when cached results may be reused.
Note: The current caching configuration API is fairly low-level, and in the future we expect that it will be useful to provide several preconfigured caching profiles.
How it works
Here is a high-level description of how caching works in long_callback
. Conceptually, you can imagine a dictionary is associated with each decorated callback function. Each time the decorated function is called, the input arguments to the function (and potentially other information about the environment) are hashed to generate a key. The long_callback
decorator then checks the dictionary to see if there is already a value stored using this key. If so, the decorated function is not called, and the cached result is returned. If not, the function is called and the result is stored in the dictionary using the associated key.
The built-in functools.lru_cache
decorator uses a Python dict
just like this. The situation is slightly more complicated with Dash for two reasons:
- We might want the cache to persist across server restarts.
- When an app is served using multiple processes (e.g. multiple gunicorn workers on a single server, or multiple servers behind a load balancer), we might want to shared cached values across all of these processes.
For these reasons, a simple Python dict
is not a suitable storage container for caching Dash callbacks. Instead, long_callback
uses the current diskcache or Celery callback manager to store cached results.
Caching flexibility requirements
To support caching in a variety of development and production use cases, long_callback
may be configured by one or more zero-argument functions, where the return values of these functions are combined with the function input arguments when generating the cache key. Several common use-cases will be described below.
Enabling caching
Caching is enabled by providing one or more zero-argument functions to the cache_by
argument of long_callback
. These functions are called each time the status of a long_callback
function is checked, and their return values are hashed as part of the cache key.
Here is an example using the diskcache callback manager. The clear_cache
argument controls whether the cache is reset at startup. In this example, the cache_by
argument is set to a lambda
function that returns a fixed UUID that is randomly generated during app initialization. The implication of this cache_by
function is that the cache is shared across all invocations of the callback across all user sessions that are handled by a single server instance. Each time a server process is restarted, the cache is cleared an a new UUID is generated.
import time
from uuid import uuid4
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_labs as dl
## Diskcache
import diskcache
launch_uid = uuid4()
cache = diskcache.Cache("./cache")
long_callback_manager = dl.plugins.DiskcacheCachingCallbackManager(
cache, cache_by=[lambda: launch_uid], expire=60,
app = dash.Dash(
app.layout = html.Div(
html.Div([html.P(id="paragraph_id", children=["Button not clicked"])]),
html.Button(id="button_id", children="Run Job!"),
html.Button(id="cancel_button_id", children="Cancel Running Job!"),
output=(dl.Output("paragraph_id", "children"), dl.Output("button_id", "n_clicks")),
args=dl.Input("button_id", "n_clicks"),
(dl.Output("button_id", "disabled"), True, False),
(dl.Output("cancel_button_id", "disabled"), False, True),
cancel=[dl.Input("cancel_button_id", "n_clicks")],
def callback(n_clicks):
return [f"Clicked {n_clicks} times"], (n_clicks or 0) % 4
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here you can see that it takes a few seconds to run the callback function, but the cached results are used after n_clicks
cycles back around to 0. By interacting with the app in a separate tab, you can see that the cache results are shared across user sessions.
cache_by function workflows
Various cache_by
functions can be used to accomplish a variety of caching policies. Here are a few examples:
- A
function could return the file modification time of a dataset to automatically invalidate the cache when an input dataset changes. - In a Heroku or Dash Enterprise deployment setting, a
function could return the git hash of the app, making it possible to persist the cache across redeploys, but invalidate it when the app’s source changes. - In a Dash Enterprise setting, the
function could return user meta-data to prevent cached values from being shared across users.