Dash for website

Hi, everybody!
Well, I made the dash programm, but I really need to paste it on my website.
How could I do this?
My website: PHP, wordpress.
Or could I upload it somewhere else with link from my website?
I tried to use Heroku, but it doesn’t work((

Hi @crazynigga1917, deployment instructions for dash are given on https://dash.plot.ly/deployment. Basically, you’ll need a server able to run flask and where to install the python requirements of your Dash app. Heroku is the recommended way for a free solution, you can give more details here about what does not work with the instructions of the aforementioned tutorial.

I would still be interested if you can place a dash app inside a wordpress site? Like as an Iframe?

Yes, You can add or upload it some other websites. or their is an option in WordPress dashboard check for updates.