New to Dash and to websockets but not to python. I am getting close to nowhere after 2 days of trying everything I can come up with here. The thing is, I know this is very simple I just can’t find a way to crack that first barrier so I have a working example.
I wanted to use a standard socketIO backend sever (Uvicorn) and I got close but never got there
At this point I no longer care what backend, where or how it’s hosted. I don’t care about anything other than just simply getting a minimum working app that connects via websockets.
I’m thinking it really shouldn’t be more than 40 lines of code, but I not getting there.
Does anyone have the bear minimum code neded to get this up and running? AND probably an explanation on how to run it because apparently the dash-extensions docs are self explanatory to everyone else, but I am simply to stupid to understand them.
Again, I’m sorry to ask this question and you are very welcome to make fun me as long as someone will provide me with a working example
What I’m trying to do here should be pretty simple but my brain for some reason can not work this out using Dash.
I have multiple incoming data streams coming into a server that then handles the cleaning, structure etc., some with a large amount of data points (from blockchain smart contracts) and I just need to push the data to the Dash app so I can graph them out using Plotly.
I really do not know why for the life of me I can’t figure this very simple websocket connection to Dash out. For some reason this just doesn’t compute with me. Why I just think I need an actual working minimum starting point and an explanation on who to run it.