Did anyone experience this?
I defined
export DASH_DEBUG=True
from my Linux terminal and launched an app as app.run_server(host='localhost')
but I see the debug mode off:
[alpha@home ~]$ ./app.py
Dash is running on http://localhost:8050/
* Serving Flask app 'app' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
Here’s the documentation if you need it:
Hi all, can I get a reply to this issue?
Hi @tbillah,
I came across the same issue in the past. The environment variable is never checked because app.enable_dev_tools
looks for it only if debug=None
and debug
defaults to False
in app.run_server
Setting app.run_server(debug=None)
is a workaround for now.
Thank you so much. You solved the issue.
Hi @tbillah
Don’t forget to mark @jlfsjunior 's answer/post as the solution so the topic will appear solved.
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Okay just learnt how to do that, thank you Adam.
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