Dash Dcc Tab Styling


I am really struggling to add my own custom styling to dcc.tabs and dcc.tab. The dcc.tabs styling is exactly what I want (4vh ,12vw and in the right position). However I can’t get the dcc.tabs styling to work properly.

I would like the font to be in the middle and the selected tab to go grey, that is it. This is a minimal reproducible example so it has some of the necessary styling from my actual application. At the moment I cant get the text in the middle without a bodged ‘padding’:‘6px’ which is not ideal. In addition a blue line comes up on the top of the selected which forces the text down. It seems as there is an overriding css somewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc

from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

tabs_styles = {'zIndex': 99, 'display': 'inlineBlock', 'height': '4vh', 'width': '12vw',
               'position': 'fixed', "background": "#323130", 'top': '12.5vh', 'left': '7.5vw',
               'border': 'grey', 'border-radius': '4px'}

tab_style = {
    "background": "#323130",
    'text-transform': 'uppercase',
    'color': 'white',
    'border': 'grey',
    'font-size': '11px',
    'font-weight': 600,
    'align-items': 'center',
    'justify-content': 'center',
    'border-radius': '4px',

tab_selected_style = {
    "background": "grey",
    'text-transform': 'uppercase',
    'color': 'white',
    'font-size': '11px',
    'font-weight': 600,
    'align-items': 'center',
    'justify-content': 'center',
    'border-radius': '4px',

app.layout = html.Div([
    dcc.Tabs(id="tabs-styled-with-inline", value='tab-1', children=[
        dcc.Tab(label='Tab 1', value='tab-1', style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style),
        dcc.Tab(label='Tab 2', value='tab-2', style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style),
    ], style=tabs_styles),

@app.callback(Output('tabs-content-inline', 'children'),
              Input('tabs-styled-with-inline', 'value'))
def render_content(tab):
    if tab == 'tab-1':
        return html.Div([
            html.H3('Tab content 1')
    elif tab == 'tab-2':
        return html.Div([
            html.H3('Tab content 2')
    elif tab == 'tab-3':
        return html.Div([
            html.H3('Tab content 3')
    elif tab == 'tab-4':
        return html.Div([
            html.H3('Tab content 4')

if __name__ == '__main__':
1 Like

To eliminate the blue line use:

    'border-style': 'solid',
    'border-color': 'grey',