Dash button with different outputs based on input

I have a table in my dashboard which has a lot of different “name” values, I’d like to have button somewhere that when a name is selected and the button is pushed, it will navigate to a URL that contains that name. For example:

name ID status
O mike a823hjsad OK
O sam 9saksndk9 –
O alex 0274dhskx OK


when I have selected ‘mike’, and pressed the [BUTTON] I would like a new tab to open and direct to the url “mike - Google Search”. but the last part of the URL will change depending on which name is selected.

I hope this makes sense, I am still very new to dash and it seems like there are so many different ways of integrating html links into a dashboard.

One option is directly replace the names in the “name” column with the following structure:
[“name”] ("https://www.google.com/search?q=name”)



The “](” must be together.

The table will only shows the names to the user and when the user selects the name, it will goes directly to the google search, without clicking any button.
