Hi, a couple of my dash callbacks run multiple times even when the input trigger is only fired once. Does anyone know why this is the case?
[Output("leafletmap", "children"),Output("session-map","data")],
[ Input("apply-button","n_clicks"),
Input("perf-type", "value"),
[State("date-range-input", "start_date"),
State("date-range-input", "end_date"),
def choropleth_callback(apply,perf_type, collapse,start_date, end_date, storage):
#if the card isn't active don't load the graph
if not collapse:
raise PreventUpdate
print("Performance Map is active...")
if storage is None:
storage = {}
sql = # sql statement to get the data
#update storage chache
if sql in storage:
print("accessing map df from storage ")
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(storage[sql])
storage[sql] = storage.pop(sql)
print("accessing map df from db")
df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, conn)
if len(storage) > 5:
# endregion
minmax = get_minmax(df,perf_type)
# Create geojson.
geojson = dl.GeoJSON(data=get_data(df,perf_type), id="geojson", format="geobuf",
zoomToBounds=True, # when true, zooms to bounds when data changes
cluster=True, # when true, data are clustered
clusterToLayer=dlx.scatter.cluster_to_layer, # how to draw clusters
zoomToBoundsOnClick=True, # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. cluster) on click
options=dict(pointToLayer=dlx.scatter.point_to_layer), # how to draw points
superClusterOptions=dict(radius=150), # adjust cluster size
hideout=dict(colorscale= ["red","yellow","green"], color_prop=perf_type, **minmax))
# Create a colorbar.
colorbar = dl.Colorbar(colorscale=["red","yellow","blue"], id="colorbar", width=20, height=150, **minmax)
mapOutput = dl.Map([dl.TileLayer(), geojson, colorbar],center=[43,-79],style={'width': '700px', 'height': '800px'},id = "lmap")
return [mapOutput,storage]