Dash : Browser new tab when click on Marker

Dear Community, I am new with Dash and Flask.

We need to Open a another chart in new browser tab when user tap in marker. We are able to get callback when user tap on any marker but unable to open a new tab on web-browser.

@app.callback( Output(‘s_graph’, ‘figure’), [Input(‘s_graph’, ‘clickData’)]) def display_click_data(clickData):

Want to Open new tab here with param

We tried with the approaches Like

  • webbrowser.open_new(‘url’) : It opens the new web page at server end browser.
  • redirect(url_for(‘index’)) not working - Tried to get Javascript event on marker click but can’t get a luck.
  • Tried to create socket emitter and listener action but not working as expected.

(Using : Python(2.7), Flask(1.0.2), Dash(0.21.1))

Any Help/code will be Appreciate. Thanks

Did you find a way? I am trying to do the same here…