Dash App is not loading GeoJSON Object as Source

I am working on a Dash app modeled after a sample app found here(https://dash-gallery.plotly.host/dash-opioid-epidemic/). The app featured provides a link to a GeoJSON file read from GitHub user content to construct a layer for the map.

   base_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackparmer/mapbox-counties/master/"
for bin in BINS:
    geo_layer = dict(
        source=base_url + str(year) + "/" + bin + ".geojson", <-- HERE
        # CHANGE THIS

For my use, I want to dynamically construct a GeoJSON object from a geopandas dataframe. I have achieved this and construct a feature collection as a GeoJSON object - see example below. When I check the type of the object it is this “geojson.feature.FeatureCollection”.

{"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[-74.734949, 39.727779], [-74.417286, 39.557994], [-74.313224, 39.497748], [-74.548733, 39.295101], [-74.860918, 39.322485], [-74.986888, 39.514178], [-74.877349, 39.607286], [-74.734949, 39.727779]], "geometry": [[-74.734949, 39.727779], [-74.417286, 39.557994], [-74.313224, 39.497748], [-74.548733, 39.295101], [-74.860918, 39.322485], [-74.986888, 39.514178], [-74.877349, 39.607286], [-74.734949, 39.727779]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}

According to the documentation, a GeoJSON object may be passed as the source. Therefore, I do it in the following way.

        geo_df = (df_cur[(df_cur['val_bins'] == str(bin))]).copy() # geo
    geo_layer = dict(
        # CHANGE THIS

Despite constructing it and it being of the correct type, it is not displaying. The below information is the output of the layers after being added to the mapbox.

{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[39.990672, -75.030704], [39.727779, -74.734949], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.88661, -75.140242], [39.990672, -75.058088], [39.990672, -75.030704]], "geometry": [[39.990672, -75.030704], [39.727779, -74.734949], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.88661, -75.140242], [39.990672, -75.058088], [39.990672, -75.030704]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[39.322485, -74.860918], [39.295101, -74.548733], [39.180085, -74.915688], [39.322485, -74.860918]], "geometry": [[39.322485, -74.860918], [39.295101, -74.548733], [39.180085, -74.915688], [39.322485, -74.860918]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.894367, -74.28584], [40.899844, -74.269409], [40.81769, -74.132485], [40.784829, -74.148916], [40.67529, -74.137962], [40.735536, -74.362517], [40.741013, -74.373471], [40.894367, -74.28584]], "geometry": [[40.894367, -74.28584], [40.899844, -74.269409], [40.81769, -74.132485], [40.784829, -74.148916], [40.67529, -74.137962], [40.735536, -74.362517], [40.741013, -74.373471], [40.894367, -74.28584]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.593136, -74.291317], [40.593136, -74.209163], [40.450735, -74.225593], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.598613, -74.461102], [40.593136, -74.291317]], "geometry": [[40.593136, -74.291317], [40.593136, -74.209163], [40.450735, -74.225593], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.598613, -74.461102], [40.593136, -74.291317]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.171411, -74.406332], [40.100211, -74.0339], [39.497748, -74.313224], [39.557994, -74.417286], [40.078303, -74.55421], [40.171411, -74.406332]], "geometry": [[40.171411, -74.406332], [40.100211, -74.0339], [39.497748, -74.313224], [39.557994, -74.417286], [40.078303, -74.55421], [40.171411, -74.406332]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[39.771595, -75.446951], [39.568948, -75.063565], [39.382732, -75.408613], [39.607286, -75.55649], [39.629194, -75.561967], [39.683964, -75.507197], [39.771595, -75.446951]], "geometry": [[39.771595, -75.446951], [39.568948, -75.063565], [39.382732, -75.408613], [39.607286, -75.55649], [39.629194, -75.561967], [39.683964, -75.507197], [39.771595, -75.446951]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#f2fffb', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[41.201076, -74.367994], [41.08606, -74.504917], [40.910798, -74.76781], [41.091537, -74.96498], [41.097014, -74.96498], [41.091537, -74.992365], [41.359907, -74.69661], [41.201076, -74.367994]], "geometry": [[41.201076, -74.367994], [41.08606, -74.504917], [40.910798, -74.76781], [41.091537, -74.96498], [41.097014, -74.96498], [41.091537, -74.992365], [41.359907, -74.69661], [41.201076, -74.367994]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[41.091537, -74.96498], [40.910798, -74.76781], [40.790306, -74.888303], [40.593136, -75.189535], [40.609566, -75.195012], [40.965568, -75.118335], [41.097014, -74.96498], [41.091537, -74.96498]], "geometry": [[41.091537, -74.96498], [40.910798, -74.76781], [40.790306, -74.888303], [40.593136, -75.189535], [40.609566, -75.195012], [40.965568, -75.118335], [41.097014, -74.96498], [41.091537, -74.96498]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#bbffeb', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[41.08606, -74.504917], [40.899844, -74.269409], [40.894367, -74.28584], [40.741013, -74.373471], [40.67529, -74.461102], [40.719105, -74.718518], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.790306, -74.888303], [40.910798, -74.76781], [41.08606, -74.504917]], "geometry": [[41.08606, -74.504917], [40.899844, -74.269409], [40.894367, -74.28584], [40.741013, -74.373471], [40.67529, -74.461102], [40.719105, -74.718518], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.790306, -74.888303], [40.910798, -74.76781], [41.08606, -74.504917]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#98ffe0', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.182365, -74.702087], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.078303, -74.55421], [39.557994, -74.417286], [39.727779, -74.734949], [39.990672, -75.030704], [39.990672, -75.058088], [40.050919, -74.975934], [40.149503, -74.723995], [40.182365, -74.702087]], "geometry": [[40.182365, -74.702087], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.078303, -74.55421], [39.557994, -74.417286], [39.727779, -74.734949], [39.990672, -75.030704], [39.990672, -75.058088], [40.050919, -74.975934], [40.149503, -74.723995], [40.182365, -74.702087]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.417874, -74.800672], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.182365, -74.702087], [40.149503, -74.723995], [40.341196, -74.943073], [40.417874, -74.800672]], "geometry": [[40.417874, -74.800672], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.182365, -74.702087], [40.149503, -74.723995], [40.341196, -74.943073], [40.417874, -74.800672]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#79ffd6', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[39.727779, -74.734949], [39.557994, -74.417286], [39.497748, -74.313224], [39.295101, -74.548733], [39.322485, -74.860918], [39.514178, -74.986888], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.727779, -74.734949]], "geometry": [[39.727779, -74.734949], [39.557994, -74.417286], [39.497748, -74.313224], [39.295101, -74.548733], [39.322485, -74.860918], [39.514178, -74.986888], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.727779, -74.734949]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#6df0c8', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.790306, -74.888303], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.417874, -74.800672], [40.341196, -74.943073], [40.593136, -75.189535], [40.790306, -74.888303]], "geometry": [[40.790306, -74.888303], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.417874, -74.800672], [40.341196, -74.943073], [40.593136, -75.189535], [40.790306, -74.888303]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#69e7c0', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}
{'sourcetype': 'geojson', 'source': {"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[39.864703, -75.211443], [39.88661, -75.140242], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.514178, -74.986888], [39.568948, -75.058088], [39.568948, -75.063565], [39.771595, -75.446951], [39.804456, -75.414089], [39.864703, -75.211443]], "geometry": [[39.864703, -75.211443], [39.88661, -75.140242], [39.607286, -74.877349], [39.514178, -74.986888], [39.568948, -75.058088], [39.568948, -75.063565], [39.771595, -75.446951], [39.804456, -75.414089], [39.864703, -75.211443]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.100211, -74.0339], [40.171411, -74.406332], [40.078303, -74.55421], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.450735, -74.225593], [40.100211, -74.0339]], "geometry": [[40.100211, -74.0339], [40.171411, -74.406332], [40.078303, -74.55421], [40.13855, -74.587071], [40.253565, -74.48301], [40.450735, -74.225593], [40.100211, -74.0339]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[40.719105, -74.718518], [40.67529, -74.461102], [40.598613, -74.461102], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.719105, -74.718518]], "geometry": [[40.719105, -74.718518], [40.67529, -74.461102], [40.598613, -74.461102], [40.374058, -74.619933], [40.423351, -74.745903], [40.719105, -74.723995], [40.719105, -74.718518]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}, 'type': 'fill', 'color': '#59dab2', 'opacity': 0.8, 'fill': {'outlinecolor': '#afafaf'}}

Hi @jarredparrett welcome to the forum! I believe this kind of visualization would be easier to do with a go.Choroplethmapbox trace, you can take a look at the tutorial on choroplethmapbox for examples.

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A right geojson dict recognized as source for a mapbox .layer should heve the following definition:

geojson = {'type': 'FeatureCollection',
              'features': [...]

In the listed rows from your geojson dict, the type is missing.
Also if you are interested only in rendering these layers, you must define a dummy trace of type scattermapbux, that contains at least one point of marker_size=0, to draw it as an invisible point.

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Hi Everyone, thank you for the help. Oddly, I found a solution for this by viewing it in a GEOJSON viewer and found a nesting issue with the coordinates. I explain more in the response to my StackOverflow response: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61995413/9836066