I’ve made an Ag Grid and the cells are blank except the first column.
The Ag Grid Output looks like this:
AgGrid(id='fake_table_id', cellStyle={}, className='ag-theme-alpine', columnDefs=[{'field': 'Metric', 'headerName': 'Metric', 'width': '200px'}, {'field': 'All Dates Incl. Shadow', 'headerName': 'All Dates Incl. Shadow'}, {'field': 'All Dates Excl. Shadow', 'headerName': 'All Dates Excl. Shadow'}, {'field': '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow', 'headerName': '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow'}, {'field': 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow', 'headerName': 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow'}], dangerously_allow_code=False, defaultColDef={'resizable': True, 'initialWidth': 275, 'wrapHeaderText': True, 'autoHeaderHeight': True, 'filter': False}, rowData=[{'Metric': 'Cumulative P&L', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Avg P&L', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Sharpe', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Sortino', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Per MWh Sharpe', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Per MWh Sortino', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Win Rate', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Annual Return on Collateral', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': '1% cVar Breaches', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Average cVar', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Max CVaR', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Max Drawdown', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}, {'Metric': 'Max One-Day Loss', 'All Dates Incl. Shadow': 1, 'All Dates Excl. Shadow': 1, '05-01-23 - 05-31-23 Excl. Shadow': 1, 'All Historical May Months Excl. Shadow': 1}], rowSelection='single', style={'height': '600px'})
As you can see the Ag Grid output and the DataFrame I’m using all show "1"s in each cell. But the actual table is weirdly blank (except the first column) – I’m completely stumped on how to debug this