Hey, is it possible to show all rows selected by default?
Something like: JavaScript Data Grid: Row Selection (part: Forcing Checkboxes As Selected)
This would require passing onFirstDataRendered
I assume
Hey, is it possible to show all rows selected by default?
Something like: JavaScript Data Grid: Row Selection (part: Forcing Checkboxes As Selected)
This would require passing onFirstDataRendered
I assume
Could function selectAll from Grid selection API be used somehow:
Hello @davzup89,
Yes, you can apply selectAll=True when the grid renders. This is available with a5, that was released to.
See the docs Multi-Select with checkbox example here:
Here is a complete example where the grid starts with all rows selected:
import dash_ag_grid as dag
from dash import Dash, html, dcc, Input, Output
import pandas as pd
app = Dash(__name__)
df = pd.read_csv(
columnDefs = [
{"field": "athlete", "checkboxSelection": True, "headerCheckboxSelection": True},
{"field": "age", "maxWidth": 100},
{"field": "country"},
{"field": "year", "maxWidth": 120},
{"field": "date", "minWidth": 150},
{"field": "sport"},
{"field": "gold"},
{"field": "silver"},
{"field": "bronze"},
{"field": "total"},
defaultColDef = {
"flex": 1,
"minWidth": 150,
"sortable": True,
"resizable": True,
"filter": True,
app.layout = html.Div(
dcc.Markdown("This grid has multi-select rows with checkboxes."),
style={"margin": 20},
Output("selections-checkbox-output", "children"),
Input("selection-checkbox-grid", "selectedRows"),
def selected(selected):
if selected:
selected_athlete = [s["athlete"] for s in selected]
return f"You selected athletes: {selected_athlete}"
return "No selections"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks to both of you
I am unable to make this work for my case though. I define df with dropdowns inside callback and pass rowData, columnDefs. I also tried passing selectAll as True within same callback but checkboxes won’t render as selected though. Using a5.
It might be due to the order of operations.
Have a chained callback, the rowData is probably not fully loaded when the selectAll gets processed.
Agreed. This is the most likely cause.
Additional callback does the trick…
Output("data_table", "selectAll"),
Input("data_table", "virtualRowData"),
def selectALL(rows):
if len(rows) > 1:
return True