Dash AG-grid filter between tables

I have 3 dfs. They all share 3 columns names and values. Eg. Name, ID, category.
Df1 and df2 are a subset of a larger df_0 and df3 contains further attributes of Name, ID, Category.

In dash, I would like to use two ag-grid tables and filter between tables so that when you click on a particular row on df1 the other ag-grid df2 is filtered.
As a nice to have i would like to add a card on the side that shows the attributes in df3.

Is this possible?

Hello @AIGB,

Welcome to the community!

Could you please draw this out or come up with a How to write a Minimal Reproducible Example (MRE) to help us determine what you are trying to do?

Thank you for your interest. My callback wasn’t working but I think that i have now the solution I wanted


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