I am using dash-ag-grid (community) version 31.0.1.
I have a table which some of its cells contain a dictionary object instead of a string/number. In the dictionary, one of the fields is called ‘label’ which contains the value I want to show (the other fields in the dict are for me to process when a user clicks on the table, to do some custom actions).
Because the cell contains a dictionary, I cannot use the default sort mechanism, but to activate a custom sorting, by passing a comparator function, implemented in js.
I have implemented a js file called dashAgGridComponentFunctions.js under the assets directory of my app, and initialized it, this is basically how it looks:
var dagcomponentfuncs = (window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions || {});
dagcomponentfuncs.ActionRenderWithLabel = function (props) {
if (!props.hasOwnProperty('value') || props.value == null) {
return React.createElement('div', {}, "")
else {
if (props.value.hasOwnProperty('tooltip')){
const tooltip_hash = `tooltip_${hashCode(props.value.tooltip)}`
info = [
React.createElement('div', {}, props.value.tooltip),
return React.createElement('a',{}, [
target: tooltip_hash,
placement: 'bottom'
id: tooltip_hash,
href: '#'
} else {
return React.createElement(
id: props.value.label,
href: '#'
dagcomponentfuncs.LabelComparator = function (valueA, valueB, nodeA, nodeB, isDescending) {
let labelA = valueA && valueA.label ? valueA.label : "";
let labelB = valueB && valueB.label ? valueB.label : "";
if (parseInt(labelA) == parseInt(labelB)) return 0;
return (parseInt(labelA) > parseInt(labelB)) ? 1 : -1;
In my ag grid table, at the column def, I pass to the cell the following funcs:
cellRenderer: ActionRenderWithLabel
comparator: LabelComparator
You can view the code below:
{"field": "model_id", "headerName": "Model", "checkboxSelection": True,
'cellRenderer': 'ActionRenderWithLabel', 'comparator': 'LabelComparator',
'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter', 'sortingOrder': ['desc', 'asc', None]},
{"field": "build_id", "headerName": "Build", 'cellDataType': 'number', 'filter': 'agNumberColumnFilter'},
MODEL_GRID = dag.AgGrid(
style={"height": "20vh"},
csvExportParams={"fileName": "model_summary.csv"},
dashGridOptions={"rowSelection": "single", "suppressRowClickSelection": True, "animateRows": False, "enableCellTextSelection": True}
rows insertion:
for model_entry in model_entries:
build_entries = None
base_data = dict(model_id=dict(label=model_entry.id, tooltip=model_entry.notes, action='open_tab', tab_name=f'model__{model_entry.id}'), build_id=None, ...)
I can see that the cell renderer works correctly, as it shows the label I intended to show, but the comparator would raise this error in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: g is not a function
at t.compareRowNodes (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:51217:36)
at Array.sort ()
at t.doFullSort (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:51201:24)
at ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:57253:65
at e.depthFirstSearchEverything (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:41015:9)
at e.forEachChangedNodeDepthFirst (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:41029:18)
at t.sort (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:57265:25)
at t.execute (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:57020:26)
at t.doSort (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:56633:24)
at t.refreshModel (ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:56336:22)
What I tried:
I tried to change the definition of the comparator to be:
comparator: {function: LabelComparator}
But it did not solve it either and did not call my function. (Although the renderer is being called ok).
I also tried to pass the function as an annonymus function directly and it did not work.
P.s. When I debugged the code (ag-grid-community.js) with chrome devtools, I saw that it retrieves the function name and then tries to call it using the string it got, which is quite odd for me…
I am clueless of how to solve this, and would appreciate any help.