Will be trying out the callback context very shortly, I have built up quite a few use cases where as far as I know it previously was not possible to know which prop was triggered, e.g. For DataTable how do I tell whether a Filtering event or Interval event fired? (I will try and post a code example solution to this with callback contexts in the next few days)
Is anyone else having trouble with the multi-outputs on this new release?
I keep getting this error:
Multi output …term-sys-id.children…input-address.children…address-alert.children…address-alert.color… contains an Output object
that was already assigned.
{‘address-alert.color’, ‘address-alert.children’}”
Thanks for the callback context, this is a HUGE improvement.
I did want to point out that the link to the respective issue has an incorrect usage : dash.callback.triggered. This is explained in a related issue that is cc’d on that one, but it might not be clear to most people. For those who want to use the context, you have to use a different attribute: